Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

Graham Hill Consulting applies strict conduct and compliance principles to provide trust and deliver impact. Conduct principles on human rights, labor, the environment, integrity, and fair business conduct are summarized in our Code of Ethics (CoE). Our CoE is based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

We are committed to the following principles:

  • Supporting Human Rights

  • Condemning Forced and Child Labour

  • Promoting Environment Responsibility

  • Acting with Integrity

  • Engaging in Fair Business Conduct

 Anti-Bribery, Corruption, and Anti-Money Laundering Policy


·        Bribery: Offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting anything of value to influence a business decision or gain an unfair advantage.

·        Corruption: Abuse of power for personal gain.

·        Money Laundering: Process of concealing the origins of illegally obtained money, typically by means involving transfers through banks or legitimate businesses.


GHC is committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity. We enforce a strict zero-tolerance policy against bribery, corruption, and money laundering. All employees, directors, officers, contractors, and third parties acting on behalf of the company must comply with applicable laws and regulations. Engaging in any form of bribery, corrupt activities, or money laundering is strictly prohibited. We require all personnel to report any suspicious activities or violations immediately, ensuring full protection for “whistleblowers” against retaliation.  We conduct due diligence on third parties, including suppliers, agents, and business partners, to ensure they share our commitment to anti-bribery, corruption, and anti-money laundering practices.  Non-compliance with this policy will result in disciplinary actions, including termination of employment or contracts and potential legal consequences.

·        Zero Tolerance: The company maintains a zero-tolerance approach to bribery, corruption, and money laundering.

·        100% Compliance: All employees and associated parties must comply with applicable anti-bribery, corruption, and money laundering laws and regulations.


No Forced or Child Labour Policy


·        Forced Labor: Any form of forced, bonded, or indentured labor. All work must be voluntary, and employees are free to leave upon reasonable notice.

·        Child Labor: Employment of individuals below the legal minimum age for employment. No work should interfere with the schooling or health of minors.


GHC is committed to ensuring fair and ethical labor practices throughout our operations and supply chains. We strictly prohibit any form of forced, bonded, or indentured labor and do not employ individuals below the legal minimum age for employment. All work must be voluntary, and employees are free to leave upon reasonable notice. We ensure that employment practices, including hiring, wages, benefits, and working conditions, comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

We conduct due diligence on third parties, including suppliers, agents, and business partners, to ensure they share our commitment to fair and ethical labor practices. Non-compliance with this policy will result in disciplinary actions, including termination of employment or contracts and potential legal consequences.

·        Zero Tolerance: The company maintains a zero-tolerance approach to forced or child labour violations.

·        100% Compliance: All employees and associated parties must comply with applicable employment laws and regulations.


Environmental Stewardship


·        Resource Efficiency: Using natural resources, such as water, energy, and raw materials, more efficiently to reduce waste and conserve resources for future generations.

·        Pollution Prevention: Minimizing emissions and discharges of pollutants to air, water, and soil to protect the health of ecosystems and human populations.

·        Environmental Stewardship: Encouraging responsible management and protection of the natural environment through policies, practices, and education.


GHC is committed to reducing the negative impact of our operations on the environment by fostering resource efficient practices, preventing pollution, and complying with applicable environmental laws and regulations.

We will strive to be avid environmental stewards and understand the environmental impact of our business processes.  This includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions and waste to landfill by leveraging technology to work remotely more frequently and adopt more digital documentation and workflow tools.

We conduct due diligence on third parties, including suppliers, agents, and business partners, to ensure they share our commitment to environmental stewardship. Non-compliance with this policy will result in disciplinary actions, including termination of employment or contracts and potential legal consequences.

·        Zero Tolerance: The company maintains a zero-tolerance approach with non-compliance to unnecessary environmental waste and pollution.

·        100% Compliance: All employees and associated parties must comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations.


Revised 20240528