
ISO 9001:2015
Quality Management System Standard

Implementation Support

Whether you need ISO9001:2015 registration or just want to implement world-class, fundamental principles to get ahead of your competition, quality management is for any size business in all industries.  Improvements are focused on reducing risks and capitalizing on opportunities to be able to deliver consistently on your promises to the customer.

Getting registered to ISO9001 involves five steps:

  1. Design and document your ISO9001 compliant system
  2. Implement your processes and procedures
  3. Audit yourself to ensure that you are following your own processes and procedures
  4. Close any gaps found during your audit
  5. Have a third party "registrar" audit your system to verify compliance and issue a certificate 

Call 416-884-3989 now to set-up your free, no-obligation, in-house presentation for more information and answers to your questions:

  1. Who is Graham Hill Consulting?
  2. What are we getting ourselves in to... what is ISO9001?
  3. What does an ISO9001 project look like?
  4. Can you customize the approach for our specific needs?


Maintenance & Auditing

Once you are registered, maintaining your registration should be as straight forward as following your own procedures.  However, driving real performance improvement, by setting objectives and determining improvement programmes, is the key to maximizing the return on your ISO9001 investment.  

Skilled auditing is the corner stone to effective maintenance of your ISO9001 system.  Not only should it reduce your risk of external non-conformance, it should drive improvement by reporting on the effectiveness and efficiency of your quality management processes.   

Call 416-884-3989 now to set-up your free, no-obligation, in-house presentation for more information on key system maintenance areas:

  1. Full service internal audits
  2. Facilitation of management review meetings
  3. Risk and opportunity review
  4. Policy deployment and objectives setting
  5. Improvement programme development 


Just need a little help?  

Call 416-884-3989 now to set-up your free, no-obligation, in-house presentation for more information on training courses, such as:

  1. Internal auditing
  2. Root cause analysis
  3. Risk and opportunity analysis
  4. Policy and objectives deployment 
  5. ISO9001 fundamentals
  6. Anything else ISO related!  Custom workshops are our speciality!